Churey, K.R., & Fiacconi, C.M. (submitted). Reminding and false memory: A double-edged sword. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Churey, K.R., Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (submitted). Do metacognitive judgments impair relational encoding? Metacognition & Learning.
Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2025). Becoming fluent overnight: Long-lasting effects of perceptual learning on metamemory. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Dollois, M.A., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2025). Sequential dependencies in recognition memory are decision-based. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Dimarco, D., Laursen, S.J., Churey, K.R., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2024). Examining the influence of list composition on the mnemonic benefit of errorful generation. Memory.
Fiacconi, C.M. (2024). On the confidence-accuracy relationship in memory: Inferential, direct access, or indirect access? Metacognition & Learning.
Dollois, M.A., Fenske, M.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2024). Information perseveration in recognition memory: examining the scope of sequential dependencies. Memory & Cognition.
Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. (2024). Probing the effect of perceptual (dis)fluency on metacognitive judgments. Memory & Cognition.
Laursen, S. J., Sluka, D., & Fiacconi, C. M. (2024). Examining adaptations in study time allocation and restudy selection as a function of expected test format. Metacognition and Learning.
Laursen, S. J., Farrell, B. C. T., & Fiacconi, C. M. (2024). On the cost and benefits of restudying: Exploring the list strength effect in self-guided learning. Memory, 32(2), 197 – 222.
Laursen, S.J., Wammes, J.D, & Fiacconi, C.M. (2024). Examining the effect of expected test format and test difficulty on the frequency and mnemonic costs of mind wandering. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Constantin, K.L., Moline, R.L., Pillai-Riddell, R., Spence, J.R., Fiacconi, C.M., Lupo-Flewelling, K., & McMurtry, C.M. (2022). Parent and child self- and co-regulation during pediatric venipuncture: exploring heart rate variability and the effects of a mindfulness intervention. Developmental Psychobiology.
Fiacconi, C.M. (2022). Re-examining the sources of variance in recognition confidence: A reply to Kantner & Dobbins (2019). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Dollois, M.A., Poore-Buchhaupt, C.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2022). Another look at the contribution of motoric fluency to metacognitive monitoring. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2022). Constraints on the use of the memorizing effort heuristic. Metacognition & Learning.
Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2021). Examining the effect of list composition on monitoring and control processes in metamemory. Memory & Cognition.
Fiacconi, C.M., & Dollois, M.A. (2020). Does word frequency influence judgments of learning (JOLs)? A meta-analytic review. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Mitton, E.E., & Fiacconi C.M. (2020). Learning from (test) experience: testing without feedback promotes metacognitive sensitivity to near-perfect recognition performance. Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie, 228(4), 264-277.
Fiacconi, C.M., Cali, J.N., Lupianez, J., & Milliken, B. (2020). Coordinating the interaction between past and present: visual working memory for feature bindings overwritten by subsequent action to matching features. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Fiacconi, C.M, Mitton, E.E., Laursen, S.J., & Skinner, J. (2020). Isolating the contribution of perceptual fluency to judgments of learning (JOLs): evidence for reactivity in measuring the influence of fluency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 46, 926-944.
Plater, L., Giammarco, M., Fiacconi, C.M., & Al-Aidroos, N. (2020). No role for activated long-term memory in attentional control settings. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 209-221.
Clancy E. M., Fiacconi, C.M., & Fenske, M.J. (2019). Response inhibition immediately elicits negative affect and devalues associated stimuli: evidence from facial electromyography. Progress in Brain Research, 247, 169-191.
Fiacconi, C.M., Kouptsova, J.E., & Köhler, S. (2017). A role for visceral feeback and interoception in feelings-of-knowing. Consciousness & Cognition, 53, 70-80.
Fiacconi, C.M., & Owen, A.M. (2016). Using facial electromyography to detect preserved emotional processing in the vegetative state: A proof-of-principle study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 127, 3000-3006.
Fiacconi, C.M., Peter, E.L., Owais, S., & Köhler, S. (2016). Knowing by heart: visceral autonomic feedback shapes recognition memory judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, 559-572.
Fiacconi, C.M., Dekraker, J., & Kӧhler, S. (2015). Psychophysiological evidence for the role of emotion in adaptive memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 925-933.
Fiacconi, C.M., & Owen, A.M. (2015). Using psychophysiological measures to examine the temporal profile of verbal humor elicitation. PLoS ONE. 10(9): e0135902.
Cali, J., Fiacconi, C.M., & Milliken, B. (2015). A response-binding effect in visual short-term memory. Visual Cognition, 23, 489-515.
Fiacconi, C.M., Barkley, V., Duke, D., Finger, E.C., Rosenbaum, R.S., Carson, N., Gilboa, A., & Köhler, S. (2014). Nature and extent of person recognition impairments associated with Capgras Syndrome in Lewy Body Dementia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 726.
Duke, D., Fiacconi, C.M., & Köhler, S. (2014). Parallel effects of perceptual fluency and positive affect on familiarity-based recognition memory for faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 328.
Fiacconi, C.M., & Milliken, B. (2013). Visual memory for feature bindings: the disruptive effects of responding to new perceptual input. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 1572-1600.
Fiacconi, C.M., Harvey, E.C., Sekuler, A.B., & Bennett, P.J. (2013). The influence of aging on audio-visual temporal order judgments. Experimental Aging Research, 39, 179-193.
Fiacconi, C.M., & Milliken, B. (2012). Contingency Blindness: location-identity binding mismatches obscure awareness of spatial contingencies and produce profound interference in visual working memory. Memory & Cognition, 40, 932-945.
Fiacconi, C.M., & Milliken, B. (2011). On the role of attention in generating explicit awareness of contingent relations: evidence from spatial priming. Consciousness & Cognition, 20, 1433-1451.
Vaquero, J.M.M., Fiacconi, C.M., & Milliken, B. (2010). Attention, awareness of contingencies, and control in spatial localization: a qualitative difference approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 36, 1342-1357.
Jansen, P.A., Fiacconi, C.M., & Gibson, L.C. (2010). A computational vector-map model of neonate saccades: modeling the externality effect through refraction periods. Vision Research, 50, 2551-2558.
Martin, C.B., Fiacconi, C.M., & Kӧhler, S. (2015). Déjà vu: A window into understanding the cognitive neuroscience of familiarity. In Duarte, A., Barense, M., & Addis, D.R. (Eds.), Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory. Wiley-Blackwell.
Milliken, B., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2014). Event integration, awareness, and short-term remembering. In D.S. Lindsay, C.M. Kelley, & A.P. Yonelinas (Eds.) Remembering: Attributions, Processes, and Control in Human Memory. New York: Psychology Press.